IT Strategy Consulting

Using its experience and knowledge, M&K Technologies enables you to prepare in advance for strategy development and operational planning with an impartial and versatile perspective.

IT Strategy Consulting

Operational experience gained from many similar projects, combined with relevant industry knowledge, turns into special strategic support for you.

Project Consultancy

We provide a wide range of technical and consultancy services from project management software implementation consultancy to system integration.

Open Source Support

Open Source Migration

  • MSSQL to PostgreSQL
    PostgreSQL is an open-source relational data management system (RDBMS). In recent years, there has been a significant increase in popularity as many developers and companies migrate their data from other databases to PostgreSQL. Although it is daunting to move one database to another database, especially from one database management system to another, the possibilities offered by the transferred target database make the data transfer process more attractive.
  • Oracle to PostgreSQL
    PostgreSQL is an open-source relational data management system (RDBMS). In recent years, there has been a significant increase in popularity as many developers and companies migrate their data from other databases to PostgreSQL. Although it is daunting to move one database to another database, especially from one database management system to another, the possibilities offered by the transferred target database make the data transfer process more attractive.

.net Core Software Development 

ASP .Net Core makes it easier for developers working on software development with .Net technologies to develop more responsive, reliable, and extensible applications.

Software Development with Python

Python is an object-oriented, interpretive, modular, and interactive high-level language. It is easy to learn as it is a high-level language. Desired work can be done quickly with fewer lines of code.

PHP Web Development 

PHP is a web-based, object-oriented scripting programming language. This language, which contains many features, is preferred by those who want to make web applications and websites. A versatile and skillful coding language that offers a wide variety of features allows adding many functions to sites, making web pages interactive and lively. It makes the process of creating a dynamic website much easier and faster.
Penetration Test

In penetration tests, it is tried to infiltrate and seize the information infrastructure of an institution by using the methods used by cybercriminals in the real world.

ISO 27001 Certification

ISO/IEC 27001 standardization; is defined as an information security management system consisting of steps such as defining, analyzing, and addressing the risk level of information assets of institutions.

IT Maturity Level Assessment

IT assessment, analysis is the study and evaluation of the firm, its Information Technology infrastructure, policies, and operations.

GDPR Compliance

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the regulation created to protect the personal data of EU citizens across Europe.



4th Floor,
18 St. Cross Street,

Working Hours

9:00 - 18:00